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You can make a difference


TFY Events can offer you the most unique event and also the opportunity to leave a positive mark on Society: today, in the name of tomorrow.

Nowadays, there's hardly a more pressing subject than the need to, effectively, change! To change our attitude towards the environment, to change the way we play our social role, to change and invest in a more humanist, less consumerist, approach. Concerning the environment, we seem to be depleting Earth's natural resources at a steady pace.

And it's up to us, first and foremost, to do something palpable about it with our daily actions. This is not only "good citizenship"... it's good Humanity.

This is why Sustainability needs not only to be on the "top of mind" of all of us: one must do its part. Sometimes, all it takes… it's the simplest of gestures.

carbono zero

In the name of this and future generations, you can Go Green and transform your event in a Zero Carbon Event: working together with specialists, your event's carbon impact is measured and the contribution needed to restore the balance is evaluated, being every emission valued and transformed into trees.

  • Why to do a carbon zero event?

    A zero carbon event allows you to act against climate change by helping reducing and offsetting the emission of greenhouse gases. The footprint from a Carbono Zero® event will be neutral.
    The Carbono Zero® calculations account for emissions for three of the six greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Due to the type of events covered by Carbono Zero®, f-gases emissions (HFCs, PFCs and SF6) are not relevant.
    A carbon neutral event gives you the chance to quantify and offset greenhouse gas emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) using the Global Warming Potential values (GWP) provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and used in accordance with the National Inventory Report (NIR).

  • Which method is used to calculate the carbon footprint of the event?

    The emissions accounting uses as a reference the general methodology of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (hereinafter referred to as GHG Protocol), developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI).

  • What happens if I decide not to do a Carbono Zero® event?

    The release of greenhouse gases from your event, will contribute to climate change, whose effects are felt on a global scale.

  • Can I choose where the reforestation is?

    By using the option for emissions offset into forest area in Portugal you can choose an area made available by specialized forestry technical services.

  • For how long is the reforestation valid?

    Reforestation has a minimum keeping period of 30 years. Carbono Zero® team will monitor the progress of the reforestation program every 5 years, guaranteeing that the offset target is met.

  • Can I track my trees?

    After quantification of emissions and its respective compensation in Portuguese forest, you will receive an information sheet containing the information of the area of the forest, type of trees and location of the said reforested area. The customer has the right to visit the area by previous appointment.

  • How is estimated the carbon footprint of the event?

    After identification and accounting the sources of greenhouse gas emissions, these are factored by source. These factors are recommended by the IPCC (1996), adjusted to the Portuguese reality, where relevant. In the latter case it is used the best possible data published, notably by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), the Directorate General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) and the National Statistics Institute (INE), among others. The quantitative offset corresponds to the sum of emissions from all sources considered.

  • How can I reduce the carbon footprint of my event?

    In general the, carbon footprint can be reduced if you choose to take some of the following precautions:
    • Reduced production of waste (by not using plastic cups, nor offering disposable gifts that end up as waste (non-useful) or that require a lot of packaging material
    • Endeavour to use locally sourced products
    • Reduce energy consumption
    • Prioritize a collective transport for guests, by sharing means of transportation

  • How is calculated the value in Euros of the footprint of the event?

    After quantifying the emissions (using Carbono Zero® proprietary tool) there’s a match, in Euros per tCO2e. This amount will be used in reforestation programs in Portugal.

  • Can I choose a forest in my home country?

    There are two options to compensate carbon emissions: the Portuguese national forest or purchase Certified Credits in the international emissions market. The purchase of international credits allows for offsetting emissions through projects in developing countries.

  • Who plants the trees?

    Ponto Verde Serviços (Carbono Zero® brand owner) offsets emissions through forest service experts in areas that meet the standard requirements, such as having a percentage higher than 80% of native trees, absence of species classified as invasive, areas with a forest management plan, areas with minimum keeping time of 30 years, and in addition to legal requirements, areas that include additional measures for fire prevention and environmental protection, among others.
    On emissions trading, buying international credits will have to be compensated in a reforestation project or a technology project in a developing country. The forest service depends on the country and the project chosen.


Finally, through your event, you'll have the chance to support Make-A-Wish, a non profit organization established to grant wishes to children around the world who are living with life-threatening illnesses. 


    The event day, as the day of completion of a Make-A-Wish wish, are days filled with unforgettable moments. Based on the message of sharing joy usually associated with Make-A-Wish Portugal, the institution decided to take this motto through various ideas and dynamics for celebrations and special occasions.

    Special occasions where joy is the watchword and it can be shared not only with the guests, but also with seriously ill children.

    Make-A-Wish believes that an occasion so unique and happy as a marriage, when it's associated with a solidarity cause, becomes even more special, perpetuating the joy experienced on that day in the memory of a seriously ill child after his desire has been granted thanks to the support obtained on these occasions.

    For a seriously ill child, to see his wish carried out means that nothing is impossible, means regain hope and strength to continue fighting, means being able to forget for a moment their illness and just be a kid.

    And each of us can help to bring the power of a wish with simple and special ideas.


    Any donation process involves monitoring and institutional contact via email or phone. Make-A-Wish tries its best so that most donors are involved with its mission, either through a follow-up of the wish they helped accomplish, either through feedback with photographic record of the moment it was possible to provide a child thanks to your support.

    For all donations a donation receipt is issued ,provided under paragraph a) of paragraph 3 of Article 62 of the Tax Benefits Statute. The value of the donation could lead to a tax benefit corresponding to 30%.

    Donor contributions revert fully to carry out wishes to seriously ill children, ensuring a relationship of transparency and involvement with the mission.

    Initially, the child's history is shared - the profile of the child, what's the motivation for the desire and what's the target date for the realization of this wish. Subsequently, after the fulfillment of that wish and through an advertising permission from the parents, it is then sent the photo and the testimony of the wish.

    This way, people have real information of the impact of their contribution. Together, we make the Make-A-Wish magic happens!


    The selection of wishes depends from case to case. In most situations, it's a process handled by Make-A-Wish Portugal, however, the institution has in mind some requests, like the region, as it considers extremely important monitoring and involvement of the sponsor when the wish is fulfilled.


    Make-A-Wish Portugal only fulfills wishes of children living in Portuguese territory. However, as an international organization, Make-A-Wish is represented in more than 50 affiliates in different continents.

    All Make-A-Wish foundations are connected by a platform, streamlining the process of fulfillment of wishes for children whose desire is outside the country where it was made the application.

    Thus, Make-A-Wish Portugal aid in the fulfillment of wishes to children from other countries whose desire takes place in Portugal (egg: go swimming with the dolphins in Zoomarine), in the same way as other Make-A-Wish accompany Portuguese children when their wish takes place outside the Portuguese territory (egg: go to Disneyland Paris). The internationalization of the Make-A-Wish mission and the standardization of procedures is undoubtedly one of the facilitators point of many wishes that involve contact and international relations.


    For the continuation and success of the mission of the Make-A-Wish Foundation there are two pillars on which all support is very welcome: the visibility and fulfillment of desires.

    Supporting the institution's visibility is very important to ensure the Make-A-Wish message reaches all children and families potentially eligible, as well as all the citizens looking to get involved with the mission of the institution. The divulgation of support campaigns (e.g. IRS, Christmas), of joint initiatives or even volunteer work are simple forms of support, but yet, very powerful.

    On the other hand, the most determining is no doubt the support for the realization of wishes. The Make-A-Wish Portugal does not place limits the fantasies of children and in most cases to make the impossible possible is necessary to involve a number of partners and individuals.

    In the case of support for special occasions, the main contribution involves the visibility among guests, and the sponsorship of a desire with such simple ideas as:
    - Replace the usual souvenirs for the guests with a solidarity piece whose value reverts to Make-A-Wish;
    - Add option of donation to the Make-A-Wish at the event;

    The involvement in Make-A-Wish activities or events are also a form of support that, although may sound small, makes a huge difference in the lives of many children and families. You can consult the Make-A-Wish Facebook / Website to know all the initiatives promoted and contact Make-A-Wish in order to, together, articulate the organization of an event.

    In all its support models, Make-A-Wish always seeks to meet the most suitable options for each donor so that his engagement is full.


    The average time of fulfillment of a wish varies between 4 and 5 months since arriving an application for a wish to the Make-A-Wish office until the day of fulfillment. This time is variable, according to the child's desire and the medical monitoring that is done. No desire is accomplished without medical clearance.


    No, there is no minimum contribution to the Make-A-Wish. We thank and appreciate all donations. There are however, minimum contributions to total sponsorship of a wish, but all donations accrue if only partly to the realization of more moments of strength, joy and hope.


    Make-A-Wish grants wishes to children and young people between 3 and 18 years, wherein the application to a wish should arrive before age 18 are completed.